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Showing posts from August, 2010

9 Tools to Help You Successfully Quit Smoking

1: Nicotine Replacement Therapy Several types of nicotine replacement therapies are available, including nicotine patches, gums, nasal sprays, inhalers and lozenges. The objective in using nicotine replacement therapy is to break the habit of smoking, while gradually overcoming the physical addiction to nicotine. These methods provide a low dosage of nicotine without the harmful tars and other contaminants found in cigarette smoke. Clinical evidence does not prove which replacement therapy is best, since individual preferences vary. Overall, when using a nicotine replacement, consider the following: Not cheating on the first day of nicotine replacement increases the chance of quitting permanently tenfold. Nicotine replacement therapy is temporary and is used to aid in smoking cessation. These therapies should never be used as a long-term substitute for smoking. Counseling, self-help, or group therapy programs can enhance the effectiveness of the nicotine replacement therapy. Smokin

Uterine Artery Embolisation May Adversely Affect Future Pregnancies

A paper to be published in The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (TOG) examines the evidence on pregnancy outcomes following uterine artery embolisation (UAE), a treatment for fibroids .1 The authors underline the potential reproductive risks of UAE, and urge caution in recommending this treatment to women who wish to become pregnant in the future. Uterine artery embolisation is a relatively new method for treating uterine fibroids.2 With the prevalence of fibroids being as high as 20-40% among women of reproductive age, this is a pressing issue as many women in the treatment population may not have completed their families. The authors reviewed retrospective data and two small prospective trials of UAE versus surgical intervention (laparoscopic myomectomy). The results showed an increased risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, caesarean section, malpresentation and postpartum haemorrhage in pregnancies following UAE. Furthermore, the review found significantly higher miscarriage ra

IFNOS World Tour

Hello Friends. This is to inform you rearding a big event in our country on the dates 13-15th October at Bangalore, IFNOS World tour. The International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies is offering a global continuing medical education program featuring the most respected leaders in the field of head & neck surgery and oncology. Leaders in the s pecialty of head and neck oncology have organized this program for each region. The program will provide state-of-the-art knowledge and explore the frontiers of head and neck cancer diagnosis and treatment. Ample opportunity for interactive sessions between the local faculty, attendees and the travelling faculty will be provided. After a very successful World Tour Program in 2008, the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies is again offering a global continuing medical education program featuring the most respected leaders in the field of head & neck surgery and oncology.