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Showing posts from July, 2015

Bariatric surgery Medical Insurance

Article of our session at the New Delhi , MGB Bariatric surgery conclave at Apollo Hospital. Glad indeed to have the positive coverage from press and to create awareness about the Bariatric medical Insurance.

Bariatric surgery Insurance cover

Few more articles of our session at the New Delhi , MGB Bariatric surgery conclave at Apollo Hospital. Glad indeed to have the positive coverage from press and to create awareness about the Bariatric medical Insurance.

Bariatrics Medical Insurance

Our session on #Bariatric Insurance in the international MGB conference covered in #NewDelhi  #Hindustantimes  today.

International MGB surgery conclave

A fantastic MGB surgery conclave at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi organised by Dr Arun Prasad and Dr KS Kular . Our session on 'Bariatrics and Medical Insurance' voted best on the 1st day.
2nd nLighten Club with the obesity and bariatric surgery seminar was held at Kapadia health club, Surat on 4th July 2015.

Gujarat Guardian Newspaper covered our Seminar

Leading newspaper of #Surat has nicely covered our Obesity and #Bariatric #Surgery seminar

5th July Sandesh Newspaper Article

Today's Sandesh newspaper have covered the the very sessence of our 2nd #nLightenClub obesity patient support group meeting. A seminar on topic of Obesity / #Bariatric surgery was held which was very well attended by doctors and the general population. Its held in joint association of #wingsbariatrics and Wings Hospital#