One of the people who have influenced me most is Robin Sharma. Not because is great speaker or he is Indian. The reason is ........... simple. Yes, the solution he provides are simple, clear and very easy to understand and follow. Just read the following : Leaders get that the real fight is the fight against time. So much to achieve/innovate and influence. And so few hours in a day. The solution? Get up uber-early. That way you have your day - versus your day having you. I was up early this am. One of the gifts I give myself. As I mentioned on Twitter, I spent time reviewing my Core Values. And building out a template for an "on game" day. I thought it might be helpful to you if I shared what I do to help me get up between 4 and 5 am on most days (aside from travel days): 1. I try to workout daily. This dramatically drives energy levels. You'll feel more inspired. And you'll need less sleep. 2. A massage each week. This isn't an expense - it's an investment in...