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Liposuction for weight loss - Is it effective ?

Suction-assisted lipectomy and ultrasonic-assi...Image via WikipediaWho minds losing their extra bulge with just a surgery, when all you think that's needed is some money, a day's time and an obsession with weight loss? But have you considered the actual details and repercussions of such surgical treatments?

What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to contour the body by removing fat cells from specific body parts prone to stubborn bulges like abdomen, hips, thighs, back, knees, buttocks, upper arms and male breasts. Fat distribution patterns in the body are determined by factors like genetics, age and lifestyle. Sometimes diet and exercise may be ineffective in getting rid of these stubborn fat deposits and bulges. Liposuction is considered to be the safest and most effective surgical way to rid the body of these fat cells.

How does the procedure work?
To contour the body and remove the fat cells from under the skin’s layer the surgeon uses a small instrument called a cannula. He directs this in a back and forth method to break up the fat cells and pull them out through suction. Liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia depending on the amount of fat removal and the areas addressed during the session.

What are the techniques available?
As a result of technological advancement and continuous improvement, liposuction has moved beyond the standard traditional method of using plain suction during extraction. Newer techniques are safer and gentler on the body and unlike traditional liposuction do not cause injury to surrounding tissues. The latest Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction or UAL technology uses high frequency sound waves to liquefy fat before the suction process.

How soon are the results visible? 
A noticeable difference in the body shape is visible soon after the surgery, however this might appear to be a minimal change since the final contours will become visible only after the swelling has completely subsided. To get the most noticeable results there may be a time of 4 to 6 months, however changes are noticed within 4 weeks. To make the achieved results last long, it is important to make lifestyle changes and follow a healthy diet and exercise regime.

What are the post-surgery symptoms?
Most patients suffer from temporary swelling, bruising, numbness, and some pain immediately after the surgery; however, most of these symptoms disappear within a few weeks. Stiches are also removed after a week or 10 days. To speed up the recovery process, it is advisable to start walking soon after the surgery to prevent blood clots from forming. The patient is usually required to wear a pressure garment for 3 to 6 weeks following surgery.

A quick fix for obesity?
Liposuction is not an ideal weight loss method suitable for obese people. It is a surgical procedure to balance and sculpt the body and remove stubborn fat cells from select body parts. It works best for those who are near their normal weight and yet have few areas that do not respond to weight loss or exercise.

Liposuction requires aftercare to maintain results.
Even though the fat removal from liposuction is permanent if one gains weight after liposuction, the fat will be distributed equally throughout the body, including the area where the procedure was performed. After liposuction, one should follow a healthy diet with regular exercise since significant weight gain may annul the results of liposuction.

Liposuction does not remove cellulite and no way removes stretch marks.

Source - Times of India Website

As per World Health Organization , The only effective way to loose weight for an obese is Bariatric Surgery
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  1.  thanks for sharing your information

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  2. very informative post about liposuction! I personally had a Montreal liposuction procedure last year and it really worked for me. It was a very safe and effective procedure. Now, I'm following a healthy diet with regular exercise in order to maintain the results.

  3. You can know if liposuction for weight loss is effective, useful post

  4. I think, people should first try for natural ways to weight loss.

  5. Instead of going with liposuction natural way of lossing weigh is better.

    Liposuction Hospitals in Hyderabad

  6. Thanks for post such a informative blog. It increase my knowledge about it. I also had Liposuction in Mumbai. It is very safe process and give me a new birth.

  7. Nice information and it is very useful for me and at the same time who wants Lposuction in Hyderabad

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I've tried other cellulite creams before, and never saw any results, but I have been using cellulite reduction dermalmd serum for about 3 weeks and I've just now notice some results especially on my inner thigh & legs. I will continue to use this product and I love the cooling sensations that you feel after you have applied the cream


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